Through the study of the traditional Czech costume, the Kroj, and the dissection of a contemporary vest, I investigated the layers of meaning of the form of the costume, how it has changed, what it stands for, and what it might look like in the future. Through these investigations, the Kroj was imploded and rearranged to create a new traditional costume for 3rd and 4th generation Czech – American immigrants.

From this investigation also came a map of global connections; tracing the path of velvet (commonly used in Kroje and also the main element in the contemporary vest) produced a visualization of velvet production and trade routes.  Countries on the map have been scaled to signify their amount of velvet production, as well as represented in specific material (either velvet or linen) to symbolize the quality of velvet being produced.  Cities included are trade hubs and production centers, and trade routes are denoted between the cities and countries.  The map not only crosses geographical boundaries, but also temporal.  Some of the countries represented no longer exist, or are historical regions, rather than actual countries.  The map is made from elements of the contemporary vest.